Please save the images to your computer. (right click, then 'save as')
Do not include these
graphics in any collection or sell them.
And please do not alter anything on these sets and/or
use them for anything other than your own personal site.
If you use this set, please
send me the URL for your site.
I would really like to take a look.
All I ask for, is that you put a link to my place on your site.
I have added a matching logo to each set for your convinience.
Should you want the HTML code for the background,
just send me an
and I will send you the code.
Color Suggestions:
Text -
- #F3A288
Link -
- #D3BE75
Visited Link -
- #C0C0C0
Active Link -
- #F3A288
Font used on this site - Dragonwick
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Please use my logo to link back to my place
Designed by Maurine
Copyright© 2001 Silvercloud's Design